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 Valuing our young people  and children


Let’s support the enormous talent in our town by helping young people to reach their potential.


Your Green Councillors have:


                 Care in the community


Your Green Councillors are:

  • Working with partner agencies to address mental health issues and anti-social behaviour that affects so many of our community.

         Supporting our local community

Your Green Councillors will:

  • Do everything in their power to support local suppliers, traders and producers through procurement and promotion

  • The new Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce 2016 - click here


                Use them or lose them!     


        Controlling our energy Supplies


The on-going disaster at Fukushima in Japan shows yet again, that when nuclear technology goes wrong, it goes very wrong!



We are strongly opposed to nuclear power and the Hinkley Point redevelopment.

The British Government and nuclear spin doctors are working overtime to repackage nuclear po­wer as a 'green' source of energy.


They are attempting to create divisions with­in the

en­vironmental movement.

Dissenting voices are being drowned out.


If we wait until the bulldozers move in, it will probably be too late. We believe now is the time to fight back and make ourselves heard, by any peaceful means, and nip the “nuclear renaissance” in the bud.


Our vision is of a safe and sustain­able low-carbon future, based on more modest con­sump­tion, energy efficiency, conser­va­tion, with renewable de­centralised ener­gy.

We envision a future in which we no longer have to rely on non-renewable and un­sustainable energy resources from Fossil Fuels, Ura­nium and Plutonium. 

These will lead to ever more nuclear proliferation with deadly radioactive emis­sions and we shall be leaving our grandchildren and their grandchildren a legacy of even more hazardous radio­active waste.

Radioactive Waste that the Nuclear Engineers have yet to work how to make safe!


The new reactor planned for Hinkley Point is ten times larger than the existing plant.
If it goes ahead, massive construction traffic will add the traffic problems on the M5, A39 and particularly the A361 through Glastonbury during its 10 year build.


      Your Green Councillors will stand up for:


       Redirection of the heavy lorries on A361


      We support Renewable Energy sources.


             Your Green Councillors will:

  • Use the Planning System to support the installation of renewable energy technology

  • Fight for the development of town-wide insulation and solar water heating initiatives

  • Develop community owned energy generation


    We will fight at every level for the well-being of Glastonbury and its diverse Community. 

Glastonbury & Street Green Party 1st AGM 2015

The Association of Green Councillors (AGC) has highlighted Glastonbury & Street Green Party’s members in their national review of ‘Green Councillor Achievements – Changing the way councils think 2014-2016’

Glastonbury’s Green Councillors feature at the top of the list of ‘Firsts’ – “celebrating Green solutions are cheaper and better for people”.

Featuring the Green led Town Council’s ban of chemical herbicides – proposed by Cllr Alyson Black in June 2015 – and the Council’s subsequent adoption of non-toxic weed control, the AGC website states:  “Glastonbury Greens managed to implement what is thought to be the country’s first ban on chemical herbicides (for use on council owned areas). They introduced Foamstream, an eco-friendly herbicide as a replacement.”

To find out more please visit the AGC website       HERE.
           Green Party members  are a catalyst for changing minds and seeding ideas

Are you a 'free thinker'? Then join us and help make a difference to our community

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